Wednesday, November 24, 2010

cookie exchange

Cookie exchanges are more about friendship than baking -- that's what I told myself as I packaged up six dozen pieces of Apricot-Almond Biscotti that I would have preferred to keep.  With that in mind, I determined to beautify the mandatory freezer bags, making them more gift-like, with layers of blue and red papers and a sticker.  I scrawled the label with a bamboo quill and Prussian Blue drawing ink.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

dress form

My sister and I spent two afternoons on this latest project:  it's a dress form made from -- you guessed it --duct tape.  Using different colours, to distinguish the layers, she wrapped me up in a suit of duct tape armor, which we slit down the back to remove.  A few more layers of tape, a hanger, some strategically placed shoulder pads, and a bag of stuffing later we were done.  She looks just like me in a way that is both eerie and very useful for fitting clothes.  Let the sewing begin!

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Monday, November 1, 2010

remembering the sun

Today is a day of rain and mist, so I'm posting a sunny photo from a couple of weeks ago.  
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